There is a better way

Our business was founded on one thought - there has to be a better way.

Take Action

For too long we’ve seen too many CRM projects fail

The software sits like an old bread maker at the back of the cupboard. Occasionally used by reluctant sales people, or badly used by over-eager ones, or under-trained team members.

What you want is not an old breadmaker, but a well-oiled sales machine driving business growth.

How do we do this? We start by understanding your business objectives and calibrating the CRM to meet those needs. Bringing the sales team along with us.

The result? Effective sales strategies, data-led decision making and lasting value for business.

“Our mission is to harness the power of CRM. And turn it into your business’ most potent sales tool. Relentlessly focused on value.“

CEO-Jochen Werner-ValueFocus

Founder & CEO
Jochen Werner


Building trust

Everything starts with trust. We will never do anything that compromises the trust of our customers, employees or partners.


Delivering value

We relentlessly focus on value. We excel at turning the complexity of a chaotic world into simple to use solutions that truly drive business results.


Prioritising people

We take care of our people, products, and profits – in that order. We work with customers, employees or partners who also put their people first.


Thinking deeper

We’re deep thinkers and good listeners. We base our decisions on logic and common sense. We’re open-minded and always in search of the truth.


Working harder

We believe hard work, determination, skill, willingness to learn, and courage can break through any wall.


Giving back

We appreciate our privileged lives and we use our skills and resources to make a positive impact on those less fortunate.

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